Above is a picture of Judge S.A. Powers' residence in the west part of Angola as it appeared last fall in a picture taken by George W. Kemery. Our townsmen, Mr Kemery has been awarded third prize and this picture will be published in the Ladies Home Journal, in a collection obtained by the publishers from various towns throughout the states of the union. The vine that is so beautiful has been grown by Mr. Powers for several years and has, in addition to its green foliage, a very small flower and red berries. It is an annual and grows rapidly, and is clean and has a neat trailing growth. The first and Second prizes were won on residences in New York City and Highland Park, Illinois.
Steuben Republican July 5, 1898 Steuben Republican Nov. 2, 1898
**** The location of the Powers House was where the Elmhurst Building is now on the corner of Summit St and West Maumee.