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Maureen Buschek

Adult Summer Reading is Here

Our adult summer reading program runs through July 28th. Choose from a selection of Tic Tac Toe cards. Each square has a category of books related to this summer's theme which is Libraries Rock! For example, one of the categories is a book with a main character who is a musician. Why not try a biography of your favorite rock star? We even have a selection of books ready to check out that will meet one of the categories. We also have lists of books that you can peruse to see if you'd like to order one of them to fill a square. We try to make it as easy as possible but still give you a bit of a challenge. You'll read three books to make Tic Tac Toe and then enter to win. Enter as many times as you wish. Prizes will be awarded July 30th. It's always fun to win something especially when you'd be reading anyway!

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